What is the EMSCULPT NEO Edge Applicator Treatment?

The EMSCULPT NEO® Edge applicator, which is sleekly designed to allow for a better contour of curvy areas of the body such as the lateral abdomen, uses radiofrequency and HIFEMTM technology to simultaneously address fat deposits and muscle groups in the lateral abdomen region. What’s more, when treating the lateral abdomen, the new device extension tones the oblique muscles, and many patients notice a significant improvement in their posture, core, and back discomfort.


Love Handles



Non Surgical Body Sculpting: Be yourself, Feel younger, and achieve more

Emsculpt NEO

60% of women and 90% of men are interested in one or both fat reduction and muscle toning treatments.

EMSCULPT NEO is the first and only non-invasive body shaping procedure that provides simultaneous fat elimination and muscle building in a combined 30-minute session.


EMSCULPT NEO builds off the legacy of its predecessor, EMSCULPT, by simultaneously emitting both radio frequency and high intensity electromagnetic energies.

The end result is more fat reduction and muscle growth, than any single gold standard product, for less time and less money.

Best of all, EMSCULPT NEO has broad appeal as it can treat patients up to BMI 35!


EMSCULPT NEO is based on an applicator simultaneously emitting  synchronized RF and HIFEM+ energies.

Due to the radiofrequency heating, the muscle temperature quickly raises by several degrees. This prepares muscles for exposure to stress, similar to what a warm up activity does before any workout. In less than 4 minutes, the temperature in subcutaneous fat reaches levels that cause apoptosis, i.e. fat cells are permanently damaged and slowly removed from the body. Clinical studies showed on average a 30% reduction in subcutaneous fat.*

Bypassing the brain limitations, HIFEM+ energy contracts the muscle fibers in the area at intensities that are not achievable during voluntary workout. Extreme stress forces the muscle to adapt resulting in an increase in the number and growth of muscle fibers and cells. Clinical studies* showed on average a 25% growth in muscle volume.

EMSculpt for the Abdomen

The EMSculpt works on the Abdomen area contracting and tightening the muscles to both burn fat and sculpt the area.

EMSculpt for the Buttocks

EMSculpt works on the buttocks as well, using the same supramaximal muscle contractions as with the abdomen area. Many patients opt to try the EMSculpt in place of an invasive Brazilian butt lift.

Emsculpt NEO FAQs

Why is Emsculpt NEO the ONE in body shaping
Emsculpt NEO is the first and only non-invasive body shaping procedure that provides simultaneous fat elimination and muscle building in a combined 30-minute session.

What areas can be treated with Emsculpt NEO?
Emsculpt NEO can be applied over the abdomen, Love handles, buttocks, below buttocks, arms, inner and outer thigh, below buttocks, and calves.

What does Emsculpt NEO therapy feel like?
You can feel intense muscle contractions and a heating sensation in the treated areas comparable to a hot stone massage.

How long does it take to see the final result of Emsculpt NEO procedure?
Each patient’s results may vary, but the best time to see the final results is in 3 months after the last treatment. Most times, we see the result after a series of treatment with Emsculpt Neo.

What is the downtime of Emsculpt NEO?
There is no downtime with this procedure. You can get back to your daily routine right after the treatment

Emsculpt Neo + Exion Body for targeted fat loss and better results

Many of Dr. Hong’s clients come to her with a specific “trouble spot”. Not only do they want a smaller, tighter waistline or rounder, leaner booty, but they also want to get rid of the fat on the sides of their abs that hangs over the top of their pants, or remove the banana roll fat that sits underneath the buttocks.

Exion™ is an FDA-approved radio-frequency / targeted ultra sound device that eliminates fat and improves skin elasticity. Exion™ allows us to treat targeted deposits of stubborn fat, reduce cellulite, and rejuvenate the skin on the body. Exion™ treatments are pain-free and are often compared to having a hot stone massage!

The combination of Emsculpt Neo and Exion will bring the best results to the areas you want to be treated. Dr. Hong Med Spa offers both treatments not many clinics can’t offer.


EmSculpt Neo Treatment


EmSculpt Neo Treatment x 6

Dr. Hong Med Spa & Welleness